Reload often - I am always seeking perfection yet rarely ever finding it! Last update 6/12/99. ©1998/99 KjunKutie
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I have been researching my family history since 1994. The interest started when I realized that I only had one grandparent left and she was turning eighty that year (she has since passed away). I thought that if I didn't find out all of the information known about my family that I might not have another chance. Seems I waited a little too late because her memory wasn't what it used to be but I gathered as much information as I could - a hint to all of you would-be genealogists, gather all of the information you can now from all of your grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, and great-grandparents if you're lucky. These are my main ancestor outlines generated from my Family Tree Maker software. My information comes from background history that was passed down from family members, verified by birth and death certificates, Census records, and from information found in resource books and genealogical periodicals from the Clayton Genealogical Library in Houston and the genealogy room in the Jennings (LA) Public Library, and a little I've found on the web. Andrepont, LeJeune, McCormick, Monceaux, Reaud, Segar, Suire, Wilkinson (For more see below.) I have not listed family members of my generation or my parents generation for reasons of privacy. |
I am only listing direct ancestors below. For other family information, see my surname page. |
French, Acadian, German, Italian, Native American, Scottish, Swiss |
Aucoin, Babin, Bellemer, Benoit, Bergeaux, Billouin, Boudreaux, Brasseau, Brignac, Conioin, Corporan, De Soissons-De Bourbonne, Devilliers, Doucet, Fontenot, Fontenot(2), Fontenot(3), Fontenot(4), Fruge, Gauterot, Henry, Jeansonne-Johnson, Landry, Langlois, Le Bourdon, LeJeune, LeSage, Mathis, Mayer, Miller, Perigaud, Pitre, Pradeau, Roy, Savoie, Theriot, Theyer, Thibodeaux, Trahan, Weimar, | ||
French, Acadian, Native American |
Aucoin, Babin, Bellard, Benoit, Bourg, Breaux, Brignac, Carrier, Catoir, Colon, Comeaux, Culerot, DelaCroix/Fernandez, Doucet, Foret, Francois, Gand/Gaume, Gaudet, Gauterot, Gauthier, Gilbeaux, Granger, Joubert, Lavergne, LeBlanc, LeFebvre, Marcantel, Mercier, Quintero, Paget, Pitre, Rondeau, Roy, Sylvestre, Terriot/Theriot, Thibodeaux, Trahan, Vige, | ||
Irish, English |
Phelan |
French, Acadian, Native American |
Boudreaux, Bourg, Breaux, Brun, DeCano, Delonges, Doiron, Duhon, Durios, Gareau, Gaublet, Gaudet, Gauthier, Jossan, Landry, Morgan, Reneaume, Sale', Theall, Thibodeaux, Trahan, Vincent, |
Creole French, Spanish |
Argote, Berard, Bernard, Bertrand, Bricken, Buffington, Cartier, Cleon, Colomb, Cook, D'armas, De La Bretonne, De Reggio, Denham, Ducros, Dupre, Fagot de la Garcienere, Fleurieau, Fury, Gemin, Holmes, Jung, Lefebvre, Macfarland, Marin De Argote, Marshall, Meyer, Olivier De Vezin, Reggio, Reidlinger, Rhodes, Roche, Roubion, Sarpy, Serpas, Story, Treme, Verret, Villere, Wagner, Wiltz, | ||
Dutch |
Ammerman, Andrus, Bishop, Brink, Brown, Clarke, Cleveland, Cooley, Coolidge, Cross, Daniels, Donaldson, Edwards, Frost, Harrington, Hoskins, Hyde, Kingsbury, Lanared/Learned, Lockwood, Marshall, Martinez, Miles, Oates, Rogers, Sellew, Shaw, Simpson, Slawson, Spalding, Stuble, Sumner, Tripp, Viets, Wadsworth, Wheeler | ||
French, Acadian, Italian, Native American, |
Aucoin, Bayol/Bajolet, Belou, Benoit, Bernard, Blanchard, Bordeleau, Boudreaux, Bourg, Bourgeois, Braud/Breaux, Caron, Chaussegros, Coleson, Comeaux, Cormier, Derslekvield/Distelie, DeSoissons/DeBourbon, Doucet, Dugas, Dupuis, Frederic, Gaudet, Gauthier, Gilbeaux, Girouard, Guerin, Guoin, Hardy, Hebert, Henry, LaBauve, Lambert, Lamirande, Landry, LeBleu, LeFebvre, LeGendre, LeJeune, Mace, Maillard, Mallet, Martin, Mayeaux/Mayotte, Meunier, Michel, Moget, Pelletret, Pesselet, Pitre, Prejean, Pruneau, Robichaud, Ruellan, Savoie, Terriot/Theriot, Thunes, Toupes, Trahan, Vigneau |
English, Scottish, Welsh, |
Ashby, Astor, Ballard,
Bolling, Carie,
Cocke, Cocke(2), Ellis,
Hall, Heigte, Owen, Perkins, Skinner, Smith,
Stark, Stith, Storer,
Turner, Wardell, Wood, Wright,
I found an old family history I did in school that had stories about The Wilkinsons and associated families. Tres interesting! |
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you are interested in the nuts on my family tree since 10/97.
My information comes from background history that was passed down from family members, verified by birth and death certificates, Census records, and from information found in resource books and genealogical periodicals from the Clayton Genealogical Library in Houston and the genealogy room in the Jennings (LA) Public Library, and a little I've found on the web.