Names may have different spellings than the ones that are currently in use (some of the spellings changed when our ancestors moved from their country to North America, and an "x" was added to some French names during the early American censuses so Tivodo became Thibodeau became Thibodeaux, etc.). I have tried to include some spelling variations that I've found in my search to help you in yours. For those of you with Welsh ancestors I'm not using the "ap" prefix.
Reload often - I am always seeking perfection yet rarely ever finding it! Last update 10/17/98.
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Reload often - I am always seeking perfection yet rarely ever finding it! Last update 04/18/98. 1998 KjunKutie
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Aguillard Ales Alfrey Allen Andrews Antoine Arbuckle Archer Arnaud Arnold Arsenault Aston Athol Aubois Aucoin Azit Babin Baker Baley Ballard Banting Barber Barillot Barriot Bastarache Bates Bathurst Baudinet Baudoin Bayol Bazerque Belfield Beliveau Bellair Bellard Bellemere Bello Bellot Belou Bergeaux/Berza Berry Bertrand Bevau Billouin Blair Blanchard Bohannon Bolling Bond Boone Bosshart Boudreaux Boudrot Bounds Bourg Bourgeois Boutin Bowler Brant Brasseaux Braud Breaux Brignac Brot Broussard Brun Bugaret Burley Buttal Cadwalader Calverly Carie Carr Carreg-Bach Carrier Cart Catoir Celiynin Celynin Charbonneau Chaussegros Chiuith Chrisman Chwar Clark Clemenceau Clifford Cochran Colard Coleman Coleson Collard Colon Comeaux Conioin Connor |
Corporon Crooks Crwn Culerot Cyndel Cynueloc Cynwrig Dagworthy Daigre/Daigle Daingerfield Darbonne Darios Dartes Dartez (Dartes) D'Aussy David Davis De Bolling De Boulange De Bourbon De Clare De Comeau De Salins De Spangerbert Deauville DeCano DeGissey Delgadillo Delonges Dennis D'Entremont DeSavoie Deshotel Desmarets Deville Devilliers Dhu DiCarlo Dickinson Dodge Doiron Douaron Doubleau Dowell Drew Dubay DuBois Duer Dugas Duhon Duplessis Dupre Dupuis Dyddgu Dykes Eagan Eaton Eatton Edelmayer Edlemier/Lemaire Edwards Einon Elie Ellis Eurdochog Evan Evans Farmer Farrow Fernandez Ferrers Ferrier Fferyllwg Flaidd Flower Fontcuberta Forest Foret Fox Francois French Frey Froiquingont Fychan Gainor GandGaume Gareau Garsault Garsault Gauterot Gauthier Gest Geudry Giddens Gilbeaux Gildart Girouard Glen Glodrydd Goch Godeaux |
Goodale Goodrow Gouillion Grainerin Gramond Grandjehan Granger Green Greene Greenfield Gregory Grey Griener Griffen Griffith Guedry Guidry Guillory Guillot Guoin Gwerfyl Gyrd Hagerman Hall Hardin Harris Harrison Harwell Hay Haydel Hebert Heigh Heilmann Henry Higgins Hirtzel Hoggard Hooper Hooter Hoskins Howel Howell Hudson Hugh Humphrey Hunter Ierwth Ievan Ioreth Jackson Janis Jaquin Jardins Jeansonne Jefferson Jermier John Johnson Jones Joseph Jossan Joubert Juneau Kagijonias Keller Kelly Kemble Kemp Kennon Kerr Klein/Kaime Knox Kring LaBauve LaBode Lacrois LaFleur LaGrange Lambert Lamirande Land Landry Langlois Larrimore Latour Laure Lavergne LeBauve LeBlanc LeBleu LeBorgne LeBourdonne Lebreton Lee LeFebvre Leger Legnion LeSage Letchworth Lewis Littleton Llechwedd Llewelyn Llowarch Llynn |
Lulone Luzier Madoc Madog Maelgwn Maelog Magnon Mailard Maller? Marcantel Maredyd Maris Marsley Martin Mathew Mathieu Mathis Mayer McCall McFarlain McLean McMurdo Meche Medecis Melancon Melanson Mercier Meredith Merlasse Meunier Meyer Mhyrre Michel Miguez Milher Miller Mius d'Entremont Mixer Mollay Montagu Moreau Morfydd Morgan Morland Morris Motin Mouton Muerig Muis Murphy Mynheir Nichols Noooma Ocquidem Ogden Oliver O'Lynn Orr Osborne Owen Pagot Paillet Parsons Pastley Payne Pecoraro Pellerin Pelletret Peltier Penn Penneman Penrose Perigaud Perkins Pesselet Petitpas Petry Phelps Pierce Piniard Piper Pitts Planeau Poirier Polythress Ponthieu Pontiff Popely Pousson Powell Pradeau Prosser Provost Puleston Quebedeaux Quintero Ramsey Randolph Ravensport |
Reed Renaud Reneaume Rhys Richard Richards Richert Rigaud Rimbault Rivet Roberts Robertson Robichaud Robin Rolfe Rondeau Rookes Roy Sailor/Saylor Sale' Salvage Sandras Sangar Sarah Saulnier Savoie Savoy Sawer Schaff Schexnayder Sebastienne Sehon Self Skinner/Steiner Smith St. Aubin Stelly/Stahlin Stith Stone Storer Suter Sylvestre Tanglwyst Tanner Tatum Taylor Teasdale Terriot Theriot Theyer Thibodeaux Thieunnissen Thomas Thornton Toby Touchet Trudeau Tudor Turner Vasseur Vaughn Vesdray Vidrine Viger Vigneau Villnerve Vincent Vychau Walker Walls Ward Wardell Wardwell Watkins Weatherspoon Weimar Wesle Wharton Whickley Whitby White Whitt Wich Wigginton Wilde Willerson Wilson Winter Wood Woodruff Wormley Worsham Wright Wyet Wynne |